🔌Connect Dashboard

Dashboard Setup

  • In the config.js, make sure you set dashboard enabled to true

  • Add your base URL and http://localhost:8080/api/callback in your application OAuth2 redirects page in the discord developer portal

    enabled: true, // enable or disable dashboard
    baseURL: "http://localhost:8080", // base url for your dash, eg mochi.vikshan.me
    failureURL: "https://docs.vikshan.tech", // failure redirect URL eg docs.vikshan.tech
    port: "8080", // port to run the bot on

Once done set up you redirects as shown bellow.

If you do not have a custom domain, use the following configs for your dashboard;




Please remember to respect http and https depending on whether you have an SSL certificate or not.

For running the dashboard without a custom domain, you definitely don't need an SSL certificate, hence keep it http.

Last updated