
Auto-restarting your bot on git pull

  • Add your GitHub repository as the remote origin:

git init
git remote add origin https://github.com/vixshan/mochi.git
  • Create a new file in the hooks directory of your Git repository:

nano .git/hooks/post-merge
  • Add the following code to the post-merge file:

# pull the latest changes from GitHub
git pull origin master
# restart the bot using PM2
pm2 restart mochi

Save and close the file.

  • Make the file executable:

chmod +x .git/hooks/post-merge

Every time you run git pull, it will automatically run the post-merge hook and pull the latest changes from your GitHub repository. The bot will also be restarted automatically using PM2.

NOTE: If you want to use git pull to update your code automatically, you must keep your GitHub repository public. If you're going to keep your code private, consider using a different method, such as deploying from your machine or using a continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) tool such as Jenkins, TravisCI, CircleCI, etc.

These tools allow you to securely deploy code from a private repository without exposing it publicly.

Last updated